
The sims 3 hidden springs vs sunlit tides
The sims 3 hidden springs vs sunlit tides

the sims 3 hidden springs vs sunlit tides

Click on your Sim and you can modify various traits.Click on your workplace to bring up options that allow you to advance your career, by making additional assignments available or by triggering events.Click on the mailbox to produce options that affect your ability to make friends, or to spread happiness among various Sims.Once you have enabled the testingCheatsEnabled true cheat (see above), you can press and hold SHIFT and click on various objects to activate some helpful effects, or to bring up a variety of options you may find useful.

the sims 3 hidden springs vs sunlit tides

Updates by NoteworthyMalific and lisanena Shift-Click Cheats

  • snapObjectsToGrid - Set snap to grid for placed objects as true or false.
  • snapObjectsToAngle - Set 45-degree angle snap as true or false.
  • make motives - Adjust motives for household to static or dynamic.
  • make happy - All household members are in a perfect mood, with no negatives.
  • make friends for me - Your selected Sim becomes friends with random other Sims.
  • make me know everyone - Your selected Sim now knows all the other Sims.
  • the sims 3 hidden springs vs sunlit tides

    force visitor - A neighboring Sim will appear.force service sim - The Sim you specify will appear.force all events - You can click on your career's work building to display all events.force event - You can click on your career's work building to force an event.force opportunity - You can click on your career's work building to force an opportunity.set career - Assign selected Sim a career (x) at specified level (y).edit in cas - Access Create-a-Sim options for the current Sim.set age - Specify age of the current Sim.add to household - The active Sim is added to the current household.freerealestate - Purchasing the desired lot costs nothing.shazaam - The active Sim receives +2,500 lifetime happiness points.Note: Must be enabled before entering CAS unlockOutfits - Unlocks outfits in CAS ( Create a Sim) mode.familyFunds - Give money to a family, where is the family's last name and is the amount.moveobjects on/off - Move anything (including Sims) in your Buy/Build mode.motherlode - While on the lot, this gives you $50,000.kaching - While on the lot, this gives you $1,000.disableSnappingToSlotsOnAlt - Hold Alt to avoid object snap when toggled.testingcheatsenabled - Turns on Testing Cheats (See Below).fadeObjects - Toggles object fade when camera zooms.fps - Toggles frames per second in upper right of HUD.resetSim - Resets the named Sim with neutral motives, no moodlets, and teleports Sim back home where is first and last name.slowMotionViz - Slow motion, where is 0-8 (0 is normal).hideHeadlineEffects - Hide all meters and effects.enableLlamas - Enables llamas, obviously.constrainFloorElevation - Force terrain adjustments regardless of objects, Sims, and other structures.Enter the codes below for the desired effect. During gameplay, press CTRL+SHIFT+C (CTRL+SHIFT+WindowsKey+C for Vista) to bring up the cheats console.

    The sims 3 hidden springs vs sunlit tides